Weekly Style Tip!

Time to dress up! So far I’ve showed you how to create outfits for an everyday bases. But now it’s time to learn how to create a special occasion look.

so, normally we go with a dress, which you could, only if you have a FABULOUS dress. But if you didn’t want to, or if you didn’t want to so original, you are probably thinking of pants, or a skirt. Well NO! Still too original. How about a trendy pant suit?

YES!! Now you are thinking straight! Now time to learn how to wear it. You need a colorful pair of shoes. how about these?

Image result for shoes colorful heels floral

   These are perfect. Now we need the trendy pant suit.Image result for jump suit womenNow we need the accessories.  


Related imageImage result for pink accessories now you have your entire outfit! I hope this was helpful! Come see next weeks!

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