




Pandas are an endangered species.There are only about 1,000 of them left in china.that’s because, people are  cutting down all of there bamboo. So, they can have farms, and other things like that. A pandas diet is made up out of almost all bamboo. Since they’re not the fastest they can only catch rats and mice,  occasionally. A panda can eat up to 18 pounds of bamboo a day! Bamboo is not the best thing for a bear’s diet, because, it is very hard to digest, so, pandas have to eat a lot of it.

Pandas also can’t see very well, sometimes they will walk right past some bamboo, because, they don’t see it! Pandas have very sharp claws, and a false thumb. It’s there so the panda can grip bamboo, it’s actually a part of it’s wrist.


Pandas are a raccoon’s cousin. The Red panda looks more like a raccoon than a Giant panda! Scientist have placed pandas in there own family, because, they are not sure what they are.



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