One day at school my teacher led us down to the multi purpose room, there was two people standing in front of lots of cages. The whole school was in there. First, a man introduced himself and his assistant. Then, he showed us a wallaby!  He brought her around and told us to be careful because, their feet could break the strongest bone in your entire body!


Then, we got to see a caiman! He said that they hide in holes and if a predator tries to grab they’re tails, they’re tails will pop off! My friend got to touch him! I didn’t want to, at all!

Next an alligator! (I was scared.) Crocodiles and alligators only have one way to tell them apart! An alligator has spots on there face, but crocodiles have them all over them selves.

After that, we saw a kakatoo! She was even trained! The man taught us a rhyme: “Eyes on the the side you like to hide, eyes on the front you like to hunt.”                                                    The man said to the bird, “You don’t like animals with eyes on the front, do you?”                 Then she nodded her head yes. (He was trying to get her to nod it no.)                                          “They’re not that smart, through.” Said the man.                                                                                Then the bird started screeching  really loudly. She did it over, and over!                                      “I’m gonna’ give her some water.” Said the man.                                                                                 Then he picked up a water bottle and she started drinking,(She could hold it on her own!)


  1. Maggie, You did an awesome job describing the fun day at school! I was really glad that I got to be in there with everyone, it was fun 🙂 I love your blog! Keep up the great work!
    Samantha Greenlaw

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